aı-powered algorıthmıc tradıng portal
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The simplest analysis and
signal platform for worldwide use
Crypto SIgnals
You can receive crypto signals or sell your own signals
UnIq CorrelatIon Tools
Be sure to try out our unique correlation tools available on our website
SIgnal Backtest
Achieve accurate results by using signal backtesting tools
LIst them for sale
Share your successful signals with others or generate income from them
About the platform
Follow the IncomIng sIgnals
You can directly see and follow the signals generated using the Active chart system on the chart and also receive audio notifications
FInd the dıfferences
You can analyze the correlation of BTC and other coins and symbols.
Try out the analysıs ın a sımulation
Compare the results of your analysis in the simulation with previous historical movements.
Try out the free ındıcator sıgnals
Experience signals that work on multiple exchanges from a single platform, free of charge, across all exchanges
Sell your sıgnals and generate ıncome
Sell your own signals without any restrictions and profit both yourself and others
FInd the Most Successful SIgnal and CoIn In ActIon
You can see the results of a signal in all coins according to your specified take profit and stop loss levels within seconds
Automated Backtest
Turn on the automatic backtest feature on a signal you set up and never have to run a backtest again. .
Black Lıst
when setting up the signal, you can enter tokens or coins that you do not want to receive a signal from and block the signal from the relevant coin.
Google Analytic Results
We have made everythıng easıer for you
Invest and manage all your crypto assets at one place. Forex Soon..
Join communityYour questions answered! is a platform designed to serve all traders, aiming to help users achieve successful trading results.
With its unique set of tools, makes it easier for you to achieve success..
On Bambamsignals, you can sell your own signals. The signals you sell will be automatically subjected to backtesting, and users can see where and how successful the signals have been..
Yes, all signals provided on Bambamsignals have a backtest. This allows users to examine the past performance of the signals and make their decisions accordingly.You can find the results of a signal across all coins in a single window.
You can use unique correlation tools on that have not been developed anywhere else in the world. By experiencing them for free, you can push your boundaries and explore their capabilities."
"With the Active Chart system, you can view incoming signals in a single window. By adding audio to the signals, you can receive real-time information. The menu on the left side of the Active Chart system is constantly updated with new signals and also includes a small backtest feature.
The Twin Pattern Finder is a similarity detection tool. It shows you the previous dates on which a token or coin formed a pattern similar to the one you specified, looking back from the chosen recent candle. It also provides a prediction of what happened next. The tool displays the top 5 results ranked by percentage similarity.
The Corix tool shows the correlation result across all defined coins for a specific token or another coin, based on the time and last candle interval you specify. For example, you can instantly check the correlation status of all coins with BTC.
When you set up a signal you like, it allows you to get the right result from the best coin and token by constantly running backtest on the criteria you specify..